A brief history of the Southport RSL Sub Branch
In April 1919 a meeting of returned soldiers from World War 1 decided to establish a Southport RSL Sub Branch of the Returned Sailors and Soldiers Imperial League of Australia
In August 1938 control of the building was handed to the RSL Sub Branch from the School of Arts as being the clubhouse of the Southport RSL with the erection of a then modern brick building on the site in 1957. Having undergone a series of refurbishments and face lifts with the major renovation taking place in 1996.
The Southport War Memorial (originally erected at the end of Nerang St beside the Broadwater) was unveiled on 25th April ( Anzac Day ) 1922 by John Appel, the local member and in the presence of the largest ever crowd in Southport. The memorial stands pround adjacent the foreshore of the Broadwater Parlands Southport.

The Centre marble plaque reads: Erected by the residents in appreciation of those who enlisted from the town of Southport in the Great War 1914-1919. Killed - 17 names in alphabetical order. Two other marble plaques are headed Enlistments, with a toatl of 70 names, including 3 nursing Sisters.